Building Warriors by Author Graham Wardle

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Building Warriors by Graham Wardle

A powerful and passionate look at the perils and pitfalls of the modern world, and the mental skills and strengths required to navigate it successfully.

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Character attributes such as kindness are like muscles; the more you use them, the stronger they become. So practice being kind, we need as much of it in the world as possible.

Excerpt from Building Warriors

Consistency of effort and time in any endeavour guarantees a certain level of ability in that area. “Practice makes progress” is a phrase I often recite to my students in class. The more you practice at something, the better you get, and it really is that simple.

Excerpt from Building Warriors

It’s ironic that many people fail in life simply because they fear failing, which makes them afraid even to try, but as we all know if you never try, you never get… One of my favourite sayings is “Fail your way to success”

Excerpt from Building Warriors

As an instructor or teacher of any kind it is exceptionally rewarding not only to be teaching a physical skill that the child enjoys, but also to teach them mental skills that will greatly increase their chances of having an enjoyable and productive future.

Excerpt from Building Warriors

With mental health issues such as depression and anxiety being so prevalent in modern day society, it is becoming increasingly vital to teach people, in particular young people, how to look after their minds.

Excerpt from Building Warriors

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By Graham Wardle

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